Funny movies like the hangover


How to care and clean hair system?

Avoiding hair shedding

·        For V-looped and injected hair systems, we don’t recommend that you brush the hair when it is wet, especially after it has been soaked in hot water. Since these two knotting methods are knotless such action may result in hair shedding.

·        In addition, when it comes to cutting the hair of these hair systems, we don’t recommend that you pull hard on strands of hair or use hair clippers. Instead use scissors as this will avoid hair shedding and protect the hair better.

Quick tip: If you find it hard to control the direction of V-looped hair, please click HERE to watch the video which shows you how to fix this problem properly.

Avoiding hair tangling

·        Use a wide-tooth comb to brush curly hairpieces, especially ones with small curls such as kinky curls, yaki curls or Afro curls, when the hair is completely wet or completely dry. Comb the hair gently and slowly – do not pull or rake it.

·        After washing, it is better to let the hair dry naturally. If you do use a hairdryer, use your hand to curl the hair in the direction of the curl at the same time as this will help the hair keep its shape.

·        If the hair is particularly long, you should divide the hair into several segments. Comb gently from the hair tips and gradually move up.

·        Consider sleeping on a silk or satin pillow. This will reduce friction which is a major cause of hair tangling and breakage. Never sleep with wet hair as it is likely to result in tangling.

Quick tip: What causes tangling on hair systems and how to solve it? Please click HERE to watch the video to figure it out.

Removal tips

·        Wait for a few minutes after applying or spraying the remover on to allow the solvent to soak in and break down the bond. Then start to remove the hair system.

·        In order to avoid damaging your front hairline, we always recommend starting at the back and working your way to the front. If you wear a full cap wig, we recommend peeling up the sideburns first before starting at the back.

·        Please take care not to pull too hard when removing a poly or skin hair system as you could stretch the material.

Cleaning tips

·        Wash the hair system at least once a week. This is particularly important for customers who often use hair spray and hair wax to style their hair system. But be careful not to wash it too frequently as it can lead to dryness.

·        One thing to note when washing the hair is that you have to make sure that all glue, shampoo, and conditioner is fully washed out. If any remains on the hair roots, the roots will gradually corrode and the hair on the wig will shed more and more quickly over time.

·        Don’t rub the hair while washing it. Instead, use a vent brush or a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle. Make sure you brush all the hair in the same direction.

·        Avoid very hot or very cold water – washing in tepid water is better.

·        Remember to use hair oil or conditioner to ensure the hair has enough nutrition.

·        Again, please wash the hair replacement system regularly; don’t wait until the hair knots before cleaning it.

Quick tip: If your client is accustomed to wearing a hair system for longer than a month, then a skin or lace base will be more suitable than a mono base since the hair roots are more easily corroded by sweat, glue, and hair spray with mono systems.

How to clean and wash a hair system properly? Please read the blog to find out the answer.

Drying tips

·        First, use a towel to gently press down on the hair system.

·        Always use a hairdryer with caution. Do not overuse a hairdryer on one particular area of the hair and do not have it set to a high temperature as this will damage the hair and cause hair loss. This is especially true for synthetic hair systems. High temperatures will actually straighten synthetic hair and if the temperature is too high, the hair will burn and end up with small curls. So, keep synthetic hair away from high temperatures – that includes hot water.

·        We always recommend air-drying the hair and pat drying it rather than rubbing it.

Preventing color change from sunlight and hair dye

·        Hair is made of protein and UV rays will denature the protein. If you are someone who spends a lot of time outside then you should expect the hair of your hair systems to fade faster than normal and for human gray hair to turn yellow, so you should avoid unnecessary direct UV rays on your hair systems. That makes synthetic gray hair a better option if you are concerned about the impact of sunlight as synthetic hair will not change color.

·        You also need to be aware that if you dye the hair of a hair system that has human gray hair, you will also end up dyeing the human gray hair. Again, synthetic gray hair would be the better option in this case.

Quick tip: Avoid excessively treating the hair, such as over-perming and over-bleaching it.

Preventing damage from chlorinated or salt water

Chlorinated or salt water is known to damage hair systems so if you often go swimming, we suggest using either a swimming cap or a suitable protection spray.

Another useful tip for attachment

If you find the skin or PU doesn’t stick, you can wipe the section with alcohol, and then you will find it can stick again.

Initial hair issues to be aware of:

·        You may find there is some minor hair loss when you first brush the hair. This hair that falls out is known as “excess hair” (hair that wasn’t knotted to the base but was just blended with the rest of the hair). This is perfectly normal and you needn’t have any worries about the quality of the hair or the way it was knotted. Once you have brushed the hair a second or third time, there won’t be a problem.

·        When you wash the hair system for the first time, you may notice a slight color fade. This is also perfectly normal. This is also the case for our own hair when we dye it and after washing the hair two or three times; color fading won’t be an issue.

If you find there to be an issue with your hair system after receiving it, please contact us immediately. If necessary, you can send the hair system back to us for repair but please send the hair system within 30 days of receiving it. If the hair system is worn for a long time, it will be difficult to identify and fix the problem. For more information, please check our Return Policy on our website. Thank you.






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